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SDKs for CAE Simulation & Analysis

Tech Soft 3D’s CAE SDKs are an end-to-end technology source for simulation and analysis application development. Our toolkits empower your application with market-hardened and market-driven components for CAD bridging, 2D & 3D meshing, solving and post-processing.

Trusted by

CAD Import

CAD Repair

Meshing & Solving

Analysis & Sharing

CAE Interop

Tech soft 3d sdks for CAE simulation & analysis

Tech Soft 3D provides proven SDKs that cover the critical foundational needs of the entire CAE workflow. This gives our partners more time to focus on their specialized technologies that add value to their products.

Tech Soft 3D’s CEETRON and HOOPS toolkits, along with MachineWorks' Polygonica, fuel development with rock-solid technology that spans through pre-processing, solving and post-processing.

Working behind the scenes for industry leaders such as Ansys, Autodesk, Siemens and Dassault Systèmes, Tech Soft 3D technology provides best-in-class components to build high-end desktop and cloud-based CAE solutions.

CAD Import for CAE with HOOPS Exchange

HOOPS Exchange provides best-in-class access to 30+ industry-standard formats and outputs custom-controlled tessellations.

Applications built with HOOPS Exchange widen their input range beyond standards such as STL, IGES or STEP. Native reading and tessellation of major CAD formats such as CATIA, SolidWorks and NX considerably simplifies the user experience.

CAD Repair for CAE with Polygonica

Polygonica is the ideal toolkit to bridge the gap between CAD and mesh. It provides proven technology for automatic healing, defeaturing and water-tightening of faulty tessellations. It outputs valid 2D meshes ready for adaptation and volume meshing.

Polygonica-based CAE applications offer automatic fixing of sloppy tessellations. End users avoid all the hassle and time wasted on manual operations.

Robust CAE Meshing SDK

CEETRON Mesh is an extensive toolkit for fail-free 2D/3D mesh generation and adaptation. It covers a broad set of element types and offers a wide range of mesh size and quality control options both for isotropic and non-isotropic meshing needs.

Our partners confidently rely on this robust and efficient SDK to provide their end users the highest level of certainty when performing complex meshing.

SDK for CAE Solving

Developing an FEM solver involves defining local element contributions, assembling them and solving the resulting global system of equations. CEETRON Solve covers these aspects extensively, ultimately backed by high-performance proprietary SMP iterative and direct sparse solvers.

Our partners’ CAE applications instantly benefit from a performance boost, leveraging the high level of optimization of our linear solvers.

SDK for CAE Visualization and Analysis

Simulation engineers need advanced software tools to understand the results of a solver and make the right decisions. CEETRON Envision provides highly efficient data analysis and visualization to easily build high-quality post-processors packed with market-acclaimed features.

Our partners trust Ceetron SDKs for their desktop and cloud-based applications. When Ceetron’s technology handles the visualization and automation of CAE result processing, partner resources can fully focus on creating the most attractive user experience for their end-users.

SDK for CAE Interoperability

Solvers seldomly work alone. Moving data from one simulation package to another has always been a tedious and time-consuming task. Writing in-house readers and writers – and maintaining them - was common practice. Tech Soft 3D’s unique, vendor-independent CAE Interoperability SDK, CEETRON Access, takes that burden off the shoulders of developers.

Supporting 30+ input formats and 10+ output formats, the toolkit is the ideal solution for CAE applications that need to be open to the world, without paying the cost of recurring version updates and format changes.

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